Size Guide Bareback Saddles
An approximate measurement guide for sizes of Christ Bareback Saddles
The size of the Bareback pad will actually not affect your horse/pony significantly because it is treeless, totally flexible and has no pressure points.
The size of the bareback pad is determined by the rider, rather than the size of your horse/pony.
As a rough guide:
Pony-sized barback cap fits riders up to size approx. 38.
Full-size barback cap fits riders with size approx. 40 and up.
Generally, a pony size bareback pad is for children and small adults and a full size bare back pad is for adults. As a rough guide, a rider up to jeans size 38 is better suited to a pony-sized bareback pad. Many size 38 riders with a good riding position will also be able to use a pony sized bareback pad.
The Premium PLUS is the most restrictive bareback pad due to the position of the knee pads, so if you are a size 38 but are tall or ride in a more jumping position, you will feel more comfortable with a full size bare back pad.
Bareback saddle Basic and Iberica have a little more space because the seat size is not limited by knee support (like Premium Plus). Bareback saddle Cloud Spezial also provides a little more space and has adjustable knee supports.
Measure Horsedream Basic Plus barebackpad & Premium Plus
English-style bareback pad

Basic & Premium Plus | AB | CD | EF |
Full size | 59 cm | 58 cm | 39 cm |
Pony size | 55 cm | 53 cm | 34 cm |
Shetland size | 44 cm | 34 cm | 32 cm |
Measure Horsedream Bareback Pad Cloud Special
Treeless saddle/bareback pad in English model

Cloud Special | Front to back | Panel length |
Full size | 55 cm | 56 cm |
Pony size | 50 cm | 52 cm |
Spanish, Iberian, academic barbacked
Distance between saddle button and rear arch (seat area) is:
Full size 33 cm
Pony size 28 cm
Shetland size 23 cm
Iberica Plus | AB | CD | EF |
Full size | 60 cm | 48 cm | 60 cm |
Pony size | 55 cm | 43 cm | 55 cm |
Shetland size | 49 cm | 31 cm | 44 cm |